
  • You can cancel your subscription at any time.
  • To do so, log into your account and navigate to your profile.  From the Subscriptions tab, you can cancel or edit your account.
  • You will not lose access to your subscription until the end of the current billing cycle.


  • We encourage you to take advantage of our free one-week trial to see if Positive Prep is a good fit for you and your station.
  • Subscription fees are non-refundable.
  • We do offer a brief grace period for new or renewed subscriptions (see below) during which you can contact us at to receive a partial refund and immediate cancellation of your subscription.
      • For a New Monthly Subscription, we offer a two (2) business day grace period.
      • For a New Annual Subscription, we offer a five (5) business day grace period.
      • For any Renewed Subscription, we offer a three (3) business day grace period.

Last Updated: 01.01.25

Welcome to Positive Prep! These Terms & Conditions govern your use of and the show prep content we provide. By subscribing to our service, you agree to these terms.

1. Service Overview

Positive Prep delivers show prep content for radio stations via email on weekdays. We do not provide content on select dates.

2. Subscription & Payment

By subscribing, you agree to the pricing and billing terms. Subscriptions are billed in advance and renew automatically unless canceled.

3. Use of Content
  • Positive Prep content is for subscriber use only.
  • Content is designed to be shared on-air but not distributed, resold, or shared with non-subscribers.
  • Team accounts allow multiple users within a station, but content must remain within the purchasing organization.
4. Intellectual Property

While not copyrighted, all content is the intellectual property of Positive Prep. It is designed to assist on-air personalities in preparing for their shows.

5. Disclaimers & Liability
  • Positive Prep makes no guarantees about the suitability of content for individual stations.
  • We are not responsible for any consequences of how our content is used on-air.
  • While we strive for accuracy, we do not guarantee that all information is current or error-free.
  • Our liability is limited to the amount paid for the subscription.
6. Governing Law

These Terms & Conditions are governed by the laws of the United States.

By subscribing to Positive Prep, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to these Terms & Conditions.

For any questions, please contact us at

If you have any questions before purchasing, we’d be happy to answer them!  Contact us any time at  We would love to talk with you!